Next Service: Sunday 9th February @ 11:00am

Parents & Toddlers

On Tuesdays at 10am we run a Parent & Toddlers group.  Enjoy a safe environment.  Enjoy making new friends and meeting friends you already know.  We provide a secure and comfortable environment for you to bring your children along and enjoy the company of other parents / carers from the area.

The children are given plenty of time to play freely. We provide suitable toys for them to enjoy and learn from. Juice and a snack are provided – as well as a cup of tea and a biscuit for the parents / carers !

The cost is £1.50 for the first child and £0.50 for each additional child.  The group runs alongside the Falkirk Council School term times.

If you are interested or want more details, please call either Lillias - 07870110632 or Sandra - 01506 510594. Then we can check if there are any spaces available.